Sunday, 6 October 2019


Strategy using BB and MA
BBMA Trading Technique
I’m just sharing this Forex Technique that helping me making positive result.
In BBMA, BB (Bollinger Bands) act as Dynamic Support and Resistance.
Diamond Setup is 100% accurate
uDiamond Setup is 100% accurate.
uIt happens when Ma5/10, Ema50 are parallel to Mid BB, it shouldn’t be far from Mid BB
uThere should be 3 cs to re-retest/reject Ema50 and enter on the forth one. Sometimes you get less cs retesting/rejecting
uYou Tp when the market reach previous Low/High
uIf there was an extreme before, the Diamond setup will be very

• Effective at the end of the trend (reversal) after a rise or fall.

• Inform the momentum of an increase (BUY) or fall (SELL) already weakened or no longer have the resources to pursue or continue their journey.

• Synonym or better known as Double Top and Double Bottom.

• Formed after Extreme Buy or Sell.

• MHV can be detected by checking the extreme lower body.
• MHV valid when: ---

• Price does not successfully close out Top BB / BB Low even with only leave shadow.
• MHV void when: ---

• Price managed to break and close off Top BB / BB Low

interested please contact telegram

Sunday, 30 April 2017


Kepada pengguna teknik bbma tidak perlu risau lagi setup2 bbma entry renty kelebiha dashboard ia memberi kita signal dan alert setup2 reentry dan reentry advenced di semua pair pilihan kita....

Ia juga memberi tahu kedudukan trend semasa multi timeframe BBMA  pelbagai pair pilihan tanpa perlu kita buka satu persatu chart...

Panel ini dicipta khas untuk teknik BBMA oma ally dan BBMA kosong.....ini bedasarkan pengalaman kami menggunakan BBMA selama lebih 4 tahun....ia untuk memudahkan dan memilih setup low risk high return dalam sistem BBMA.....

Contohnya bila tf besar seperti H4 sedang lakukan reentry kita akan tggu tf kecil memberi signal selari dengan H4 untuk entry lot gajah ..  tf kecil akan lakukan kerjanya dahulu sebelum follow tf besar....disini panel akan memberi signal2 untuk kita masuk entry.......

Dalam erti kata lain bila panel memberi signal sama di sekurang2nya 3 tf kita akan entry.....dan bila signal advanced juga menunjukkan signal sama dengan panel multi tf disini kita akan lot gajah.....


BERMINAT BOLEH PM klik sini telegram saya